Long-term Objective: Elimination of child labour.
Short-term Objective: Serving the working children at Pendik Industrial Region in terms of directly providing health, clothing and educational services, by the support of employers at that region as well.
Children under 16, working at that region without attending to schools.
- Founding and carrying out a shared health unit.
- Ascertaining health conditions and social status of the working children.
- Androgogic educational approach aiming at working children.
- Founding and carrying out the bureau of working children.
Got started in July 1998.
The contributions of International Labour Organisation’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (ILO/IPEC) have come to an end in July 1999.
Turkish Confederation of Employers Association (TISK).
Fisek Institute-Science and Action Foundation for Child Labour.
Employers at the industrial region.
This project gas a great significance in achieving a “synthesis” between different field of interests, such as the one between the local employers? considerable dynamism and the experience of Fisek Institute-Science and Action Foundation for Child Labour on shared health units for workplaces; and the other between the experience of Marmara University-Faculty of Health Education on “Androgogic Education and Communication” and the practices of the Ministry of Education on Apprenticeship Training.
For this work, TISK set the employers into action regarding their sensitivity on the “working children” issue and their desire to interfere; Fisek Institute-Science and Action Foundation for Child Labour mobilised its human resources, tools and equipment supplies by “founding shared health units for the workplaces at small-scale industrial regions, and providing health services for the working children at those regions”; faculty members (associates and professors) of the Marmara University-Health Education Faculty assisted through their studies on “education and communication” and their students education in this field; the Ministry of Education?s Pendik Apprenticeship Training Centre mobilised its physical supplies in addition to the instructors they provided.
The success of this project lies in the fact that various model studies developed independently from each other by different organisations throughout the years have been joined under the roof of a single project. Consequently, different organisations supported by ILO/IPEC combined their efforts and supplies for the first time since the launch of the ILO/IPEC projects. This makes these studies possible for progressing forward and appears as a source of hope for the new joint ventures.